New Caledonia – July 2022
Sampling Paleocene conglomerate-micrite-chert sections for magnetostratigraphy and dinocysts to determine the age of the island of New Caledonia, and young fluvio-lacustrine sediments for pollen, to determine the age of mountain building. In context of my NWO Veni project ROAD TO RICHES. Together with Margot Cramwinckel and Suzanna van de Lagemaat (Utrecht University), Prof. Pierre Maurizot and Willy Foucher (Geological Survey of New Caledonia).
Saint Barthelemy & La Désirade, French Antilles – January 2018
Sampling Eocene intrusives and limestones on St Barth for detection of vertical axis rotations, and Jurassic pillow lavas on La Désirade for paleolatitudes. With Douwe van Hinsbergen, Mélody Philippon (University of the Antilles, Guadeloupe), and Jean-Jacques Cornée (University of Montpellier, France). Mélo wrote a TravelingGeologist blog post about this trip.
Hokkaido, Japan – July 2017
Sampling Panthalassa-derived sediments and igneous rocks from the accretionary prisms of Hokkaido, as well as arc and forearc rocks of both the Japan arc system and the Nemuro arc system, together with Prof. Hayato Ueda (Niigata University), Daniel Pastor Galán (Tohoku University, Sendai), and Yvette Mellink (MSc-student UU).
Hekla Volcano, Iceland – September 2016
Sampling recent lava flows of the Hekla volcano on Iceland, together with Annemarieke Béguin (paleomag lab, Utrecht), for Lennart de Groot‘s research on paleo-intensities.
Costa Rica – July/August 2016
Sampling Panthalassa-derived sediments and basalts, and Large Igneous Province-material from the Caribbean plate, together with Douwe van Hinsbergen, Dr. Kennet Flores (Brooklyn College) and MSc-students Erik van der Wiel (UU) and Ardanna Bandoo (Brooklyn College). Erik wrote a TravelingGeologist blog post about our fieldtrip.
New Zealand – Februari/March 2016
Sampling forearc sediments of the Murihiku terrane and radiolarian cherts of the Waipapa terrane on the North Island, together with MSc-student Suzanna van de Lagemaat, in collaboration with Prof. Peter Kamp from the University of Waikato.
Baja California, Mexico – June 2015
Sampling the subduction complex of the Vizcaíno-Cedros region, including red radiolarian ribbon cherts, pillow lavas and arc sediments, together with MSc-student Alex Mols and in collaboration with Prof. David Kimbrough of San Diego State University.
Central Mexico – November/December 2014
Sampling the Guerrero Arc, with Douwe van Hinsbergen and Prof. Roberto Molina Garza (UNAM, Mexico). I wrote a TravelingGeologist blog post about this fieldtrip.